The awareness of mental health and wellbeing issues in both the bid and proposal industry and society in general is increasing. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’s report shows the whole of Europe is struggling with the burden of mental ill health, which affects an estimated 84 million people – one in six. The cost to the UK economy is in line with the average for Europe at 4 per cent of GDP (approximately costing £94 billion per year).
84 Million
People, Globally
94 £Billion
cost to the
UK economy

As we are all too often reminded, working on bids and proposals can be characterised as frenetic, fast-paced and dynamic. Bid and proposal professionals are often under high pressure and expectations to deliver, often with lack of resource and the support that they really need. It can be both a stressful and rewarding environment to work in.

APMP UK cares about all its members and has provided these resources and information which we hope will be useful. 

Over the coming months, we will be conducting benchmark surveys to give us more of an understanding about the challenges that our members are facing and what we can do to try and improve things for the industry as a whole.

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