
APMP offers the world’s first, best and only industry-recognised certification program for professionals working in a bid and proposal environment. APMP certification is the global standard for developing and demonstrating proposal management competency. Achieving APMP certification:

  • Demonstrates a personal commitment to a career and profession.

  • Improves business development capabilities.
  • Creates a focus on best team practices.
  • Gains the respect and credibility of peers, clients and organisational leaders and, in some cases, additional compensation.
  • Reinforces bid/proposal management as an important role within an organisation and not as an ad-hoc function that any untrained person can perform.

APMP certification distinguishes members as certified proposal professionals as follows:

Please note that APMP International handle all certification and all payments will be made in USD. Current pricing is available here

- Foundation Practitioner Professional Capture Practitioner
Assessment type One-hour, open book, 75 question multiple choice exam either online or face to face with an APMP approved ATO. Two-and-a-half hour, online-only Objective Testing Examination (OTE) Assessment of impact presentation and communication and leadership skills in an interview setting Two-and-a-half hour, online-only Objective Testing Examination (OTE)
Eligibility Proposal professionals with 1 to 3 years’ experience Proposal professionals with 3 to 7 years’ experience Proposal professionals with 7 or more years’ experience At least three years' experience in the capture, sales, bid, and/or proposal fields

Read the APMP Foundation Study Guide

Read the APMP Practitioner OTE Preparation Guide

Read Applying for APMP Professional Certification

Prepare your Proposal Professional Impact Paper (PPIP) using the PPIP Template and following the Standards and Guidelines

After your PPIP is assessed, you may be invited to present the impact to a panel of assessors, via conference call or in person

Read about the Capture Practitioner Certification here.

Read the APMP Opportunity & Capture Practitioner OTE Preparation Guide

Before you begin preparing for the exam, you will need to submit a completed Capture Practitioner Examination Application. Complete the form, then scan and submit via the APMG portal site, which is listed on the bottom of the application.

Sample Exam There is a sample exam for the foundation certification, the link is here

APMP Practitioner


APMP Capture Practitioner

Book Exam

Book Exam

Book a time


Book a time

Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) ensures that those who hold APMP certification demonstrate ongoing commitment to professional growth and development, a criterion of all professional organisations.

To maintain certification levels individuals are required to participate in a CPD programme, earning Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits. CEUs can be gained by certified individuals through obtaining and developing a wide range of knowledge, skills and experience, which are not normally acquired during initial training or routine work and which together develop and maintain competence to practice.

For example, CEUs are gained by attending (or indeed presenting at) APMP UK chapter meetings and the annual conference or through contributing to the success of APMP UK in any other recognised and valued manner.

APMP Certification LevelRequired CEU’s to Maintain Certification

20 CEU's


40 CEU's *


40 CEU's

Capture Practitioner

40 CEU's *

* Capture Practitioner and Practitioner are interchangeable. If you have both, you only need 40 (not 40 each). If you only have one, you need 40.

Digital Badges

APMP offers members the opportunity to share their success in achieving Certification at Foundation, Practitioner Professional and Capture Practitioner level with a new range of Digital Badges.




Capture Practitioner

You are free to display all of the Badges for every level of Certification you have earned or you can simply display the badge for the most senior certification you have achieved, it’s up to you.

If your candidate session ID number starts with ‘200….’ then you need to login to your candidate portal account and from there you will be able to claim and accept your badge. If you cannot remember your logins for this then please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will be able to advise.

All other members with candidate numbers starting with 'APMP' please go to the APMG Successful Candidate Register, locate your details and follow the instructions to access all the badges to which you are entitled. If you cannot remember your full APMP candidate number please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your full name, level (s) of exam taken and the approximate date of your exam, they will be able to advise.

Useful Professional Development Links

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VAT REG. No. 315 5463 13
DUNS number. 224682499

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